Night of the spadefoot toads crossword puzzle!

  1. 2. bens original idea for his report.
  2. 3. the princapl of bens school.
  3. 9. Mrs.tibbets offers him this after Mr.linsey
  4. 10. the class ben gets assgined the report.
  5. 12. he drives ben crazy sometimes.
  6. 14. The person who is mean to Ben
  7. 15. for creatures at the vernal pool.
  8. 16. inside after mr.linsdey leaves.
  9. 18. mrs. tibbets's snakes.
  10. 19. one of frankies friends.
  11. 20. Mrs.Tibbets's sister-in-law.
  12. 21. bens sience teacher..
  1. 1. Bens new idea for his geography report.
  2. 4. Ben asks mrs.tibbets where they are when
  3. 5. ben,jenny and ryan found one when they were
  4. 6. bens female friend
  5. 7. type of toad that comes behind mrs.tibbets's
  6. 8. bens geography teacher.
  7. 11. Ryans only other friend besides Jenny.
  8. 13. bens little sister.
  9. 17. the man that trys to help ben save the land.