Nine Months Already?

  1. 1. If you could describe him in one word.
  2. 4. His favourite thing to be in church.
  3. 5. If the saying is true, Cian's heart will be fond indeed.
  4. 7. Considering his Irish side, it's odd he hates...
  5. 10. A dozen choices, but there can be only one.
  6. 11. A trait he shared with his dad since day one.
  7. 12. Hospital, specifically, but general arrival was in...
  1. 2. Tise and Eóin would have lost their minds without...
  2. 3. First halloween costume.
  3. 6. Mother's milk came first, with this coming next.
  4. 8. What he will call Tise.
  5. 9. His favourite time of the day.