NIS terms
- 2. a movie released in 2000 played by julia roberts
- 8. a document that is handed to the the employeer at interviewes
- 9. thousands of people do this every year to have a break or for work
- 10. everybody belongs to some sort of one
- 11. taking responsibility, having confidence in own vision and goals, evaluating own performance
- 15. being resourceful, developing a vision an dproactive plan to accompany it, allocating people and resources to task
- 18. being able to work in groups
- 19. genertaion born in years 1926-1945
- 20. gneeration born in years 1946-1964
- 1. generation born before 1925
- 3. using numeracy, being assertive, negotiating and establishing nd using networks
- 4. adapting to new situations, identifying opportunities, genrating options, being creative
- 5. Operating equipment, using it as a mangagment and organising tool
- 6. developing practical solution, resolving customer concerns, testing assumptions
- 7. generation born in the years 1982-2000
- 12. generation born in the years 1965-1981
- 13. the skills that employeers look for in in employees
- 14. being open to new ideas
- 16. generation born in the year 2001 and forwards
- 17. everybody belongs to one, usally their local one.