  1. 1. Working with people of different agers and skills
  2. 4. Generation born before 1925
  3. 6. A group of people who are raised or live together, or just have the same blood type
  4. 7. Generation born in the years 1982-2000
  5. 9. People who work by there T........
  6. 10. Being resourceful, developing a vison and proactive plan to accompany it, allocating people resources to task
  7. 14. Gereration born in the years 1926-1945
  8. 15. Another word for looking
  9. 16. Using nurmeracy, being assertive, negotiating and establishing and using networks
  10. 17. Developing pratical solutions, resolving customerconcerns, testing assumptions
  11. 18. Taking responsibility, having confidance in own vision and goals, evaluating own performance
  1. 1. Operating equioment, Using IT as a management and organising tool
  2. 2. A person who has just started a new job is called a ?
  3. 3. Using the internet to see sites around the world and "travel"
  4. 5. Being open to new ideas and changes
  5. 8. Adapting to new situations, identifying opportunities, generating options, being creative
  6. 10. A ryming leter is called
  7. 11. Generation born in the year 2001 and beyond
  8. 12. Generation born in the years 1965-1981
  9. 13. generation born in the years in the years 1946-1964