Nolan Natural World

  1. 2. where animals live
  2. 6. short term changes in the air for a given place and time
  3. 7. a strong ocean current that brings warm water from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean
  4. 8. no more left
  5. 10. a frozen layer of soil
  6. 12. seasonal winds that bring either dry or moist air
  7. 13. coal
  8. 14. tall grass, scattered trees and shrubs
  9. 15. winds that blow in the same direction over large areas of Earth.
  10. 16. surroundings
  11. 17. can last forever if used smart
  12. 19. large streams of surface seawater
  13. 20. a regions average weather conditions over a long period
  1. 1. semidry grasslands or prairies
  2. 3. anything that is on earth that people use and value
  3. 4. causes prevailing winds to curve east or west
  4. 5. Earths five general zones tropical,temperate,polar,dry and highland
  5. 9. decayed plant or animal matter
  6. 11. when two air masses of different moisture meet
  7. 18. where different animals live and interact