Non-communicable diseases

  1. 1. a commonly used, poisonous, social drug
  2. 3. obesity is a risk factor for this type diabetes
  3. 6. melanomas are which kind kind of tumours?
  4. 8. a drug found in tobacco smoke
  5. 10. a sticky, black chemical caused from smoking
  6. 11. the food you eat transfers into what?
  7. 12. x-rays are a source of what radiation?
  8. 14. 700 babies a year are born dead due to what?
  1. 2. this caused by uncontrolled over-eating
  2. 3. uncontrolled cell division forms what?
  3. 4. excess food is stored as this
  4. 5. tumours that stay in one place
  5. 7. ____ alcohol syndrome (FAS)
  6. 9. a disease that destroys the liver tissue
  7. 13. nicotine makes the heart rate do what?