Non-Communicable Diseases

  1. 3. makes breathing difficult for the 16 million Americans
  2. 6. Cancer of the immune system
  3. 9. Diabetes is the No.1 cause of ___
  4. 11. How can diabetes be delayed?
  5. 14. Body doesn't use insulin well
  6. 15. Removes excess fluids
  1. 1. Caused by repeated, long-term exposure to hazardous agent
  2. 2. occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin
  3. 4. affects the blood vessels in the lungs
  4. 5. Body stops making insulin
  5. 7. causes your airways to become narrow and swell
  6. 8. An abnormal growth of cells
  7. 10. affect the airways and other structure of the lungs
  8. 12. treatment for type 1 diabetes
  9. 13. Develops in pregnant women who never had diabetes.