Noncommunicable Diseases

  1. 3. the result of blocked blood flow to the heart
  2. 5. a tube used to help open up an artery
  3. 8. the spreading of a tumor
  4. 10. anything that is known to cause cancer
  5. 12. serious form of skin cancer
  6. 13. a procedure to remove a piece of tissue or a sample of cells from your body
  7. 14. the thickening of artery walls due to smoking, high cholesterol levels and obesity
  8. 15. cancer tumor
  9. 16. a hormone that allows your body to use glucose
  1. 1. a disease that affects how the body uses glucose
  2. 2. the uncontrolled growth of cells
  3. 4. a drug treatment that uses powerful chemicals to kill fast-growing cells in your body
  4. 6. the gland responsible for the production of insulin
  5. 7. non-cancerous tumor
  6. 9. the result of a block blood vessel in the brain
  7. 11. a blood pressure that is typically higher than 140/90