
  1. 3. Favorite dessert topping
  2. 5. Favorite fruit
  3. 7. Norah's favorite condiment
  4. 10. Norah's first word
  5. 12. Norah's favorite dance move
  6. 13. Animated Disney character that Norah calls out for in the car
  1. 1. Number of times Norah has been to Disneyland
  2. 2. Disney show that Norah refers to as "Mom Dad"
  3. 4. Number of stuffies Norah sleeps with at night
  4. 6. Disney character that Norah asks for by showing her muscles
  5. 8. Norah's favorite Disneyland ride
  6. 9. Norah's favorite outdoor "toy"
  7. 11. Norah's favorite classic Disney character