not required
- 2. last name of “Lord of the Flies” author
- 5. Brazil's national language
- 6. last name of vice president
- 8. gangnam style
- 9. capital of California
- 11. team Edward and team _______
- 13. saying “Don’t put all your ____in one basket”
- 15. "The Hunger Games" character
- 16. 26 letters
- 17. saying “two wrongs don't make a _______”
- 18. "Party Rock Anthem"
- 20. prime number
- 1. the boy who lived
- 3. learning disability
- 4. tv game show
- 7. natural disaster
- 10. beach NBA team
- 12. _______or not now
- 14. name of old vampire
- 19. sad facial expression