Notable CS Historical Figures

  1. 5. Father of the Modern Computer
  2. 7. Helped develop the first electro-mechanical computer capable of logic
  3. 10. created a computer that helped greatly in WWII by cracking codes and computer aircraft courses
  4. 11. Invented 'binary arithmetic'
  5. 13. came up with the idea for an electronic computer while in a tavern in Illinois
  6. 14. Made his fortune by revolutionizing the weaving industry
  7. 16. invented a code that people later used to send telegraphs
  8. 17. Helped the US Census count their results in 1/8th of the time
  9. 19. helped create the Mark I
  1. 1. helped found Apple
  2. 2. invented the Sliderule
  3. 3. created an adding machine to help his father
  4. 4. helped work on Plankalkül, the first algorithmic programming language
  5. 6. was a college dropout that earned millions in the computer industry
  6. 8. created FORTRAN
  7. 9. invented the first electronic computer
  8. 12. First Computer Programmer
  9. 13. helped Bill Gates found Microsoft
  10. 15. Helped Paul Allen found Microsoft
  11. 18. Invented Logarithms