Notice Writing

  1. 3. ......voice is used as far as possible.
  2. 7. A good notice avoids ......and grammatical mistakes.
  3. 8. A good notice should be...and to the point.
  4. 10. Notice is a formal means of......
  5. 11. A notice is more like an evidence or.....of information shared.
  1. 1. Sentences should be kept short with....vocabulary.
  2. 2. A good notice contains all necessary .....
  3. 4. The purpose of Notice Writing is to announce or.....information.
  4. 5. It is also used to make an......
  5. 6. Notice addresses of people.
  6. 9. It must be written following a proper format including a....
  7. 12. It informs people about an important......