Noun Nadya Putri Amalia 19420014

  1. 2. You wear it when you are training.
  2. 6. to write in a book.
  3. 7. to store clothes.
  4. 9. The bottom half of a girls school uniform
  5. 11. A kind of shirt,for women.
  6. 13. What is full of holes but still hold water?
  7. 14. You wear it around your neck in winter.
  1. 1. Something you wear in winter,to keep you warm.
  2. 3. It can have long sleeves,or short sleeves.
  3. 4. I have banches,but not fruit,trunk or leaves.
  4. 5. You wear it to hold up your trousers
  5. 8. I shave everyday,but my beard stays the same
  6. 9. You wear them on your feet.
  7. 10. What gets wet while drying?
  8. 12. I go all around the world,but never leave the corner.