- 4. replaces the noun
- 6. the name of a person place or thing
- 7. abstract; describes "working together"
- 9. proper; everyday we attend
- 12. can't be identified with the 5 senses
- 13. concrete; it'll burn you
- 15. refers to a group
- 17. common; everyday we attend
- 18. if it's not a proper noun, it's a ____
- 21. countable; more than one matrix
- 22. pronoun; fix this sentence: Come with we.
- 24. collective; lions
- 1. proper; where we live
- 2. uncountable; we must drink 2 L of everyday
- 3. collective; you'll find in court
- 5. nouns that can be plural or singular without changing the word
- 8. countable; more than one datum
- 10. pronoun; can use in this sentence: "Jake walked to school"
- 11. concrete; come in all different scents
- 14. uncountable; world's most popular food
- 15. nouns that can be plural when you change the word
- 16. can be identified with the 5 senses
- 19. person place or thing
- 20. abstract; released from confinement
- 23. common; where we live