Nova Scotia Crossword

  1. 2. first radio station
  2. 9. evaporated milk, sugar, vinegar, and garlic
  3. 12. northernmost tip
  4. 14. QMJHL
  5. 16. treat; mabou-famous
  6. 17. digby rally
  7. 18. highest tides
  8. 20. amateur meteorologist
  1. 1. fossils
  2. 3. geek convention
  3. 4. creamy soup of fresh baby vegetables
  4. 5. halfway between the Equator and the North Pole
  5. 6. bowed string instrument
  6. 7. Latin for _____
  7. 8. J. B. Dickson
  8. 10. gathering
  9. 11. "little fairies"
  10. 13. cheers
  11. 15. Murray/MacLellan
  12. 19. art school