November 2023
- 3. The Icon's November coloring page was titled "Home for the ____"
- 4. The OHSAA will expand their Respect the ____ program
- 8. Johnny Appleseed Metro Park District's Winter ____ Club event was called Jogging with Johnny
- 9. Performances of the ONU Holiday ____ take place in Lima and Ada
- 10. The unveiling of Kenton's 2023 Window ____ occurred on November 21
- 11. The former location of New Leaf Garden Center is now ____ Oaks
- 1. This book was distributed to elementary students as an annual Ada Rotary event
- 2. The Ada Schools hosted this meal for area veterans and their families on Veterans Day
- 5. In an 1894 advertisement, Ohio Northern University was still called Ohio ____ University
- 6. The Ada Rotary was selling tickets for their annual ____ Food and Wine Pairing
- 7. Ada High School was selected as one of 511 active ____ Star Schools in the state of Ohio