November crossword

  1. 4. One of Mr. Tuckerman's favorite books. It's a mystery novel that takes place in Cuba
  2. 5. A form of lymphoma, typically characterized by the lack of Reed-Sternberg lymphocytes
  3. 8. One of Mr. Young's Favorite books. It's title is also an old diving term.
  4. 9. One of Mrs. Nava's favorite books. Another way to say that you don't show your truth.
  5. 10. One of Mrs. Peters' favorite books. Its plot contains twins.
  6. 11. One of Mrs. Martinez's favorite books. This book is the beginning of a trilogy, taking place in the 1900's
  7. 12. Another way to describe creaky joints
  8. 13. Commonly known as goosebumps.
  9. 14. A rare syndrome, caused by a genetic deletion of a portion of the 15th chromosome
  10. 15. One of Mrs. Vasquez's favorite books. It Contains inanimate objects coming to life.
  1. 1. One of Mrs. Pools' favorite books. Its title is a phrase used to describe an act of kindness.
  2. 2. One of Mrs. Ziel's favorite books. This book takes place in England and is split into three parts.
  3. 3. The presence of a gallstone
  4. 6. Sneeze
  5. 7. One of Mrs. Dorman's Favorite books. Considered a classic of the Harlem Renaissance.