NS1222 Week 8 Respiratory Assessment

  1. 6. A complete absence of respirations
  2. 7. This sound is not produced in the normal body. Considered 'booming' may be heard in an emphysematous lung.
  3. 8. Hollow sound that is elicited over lungs filled with air.
  4. 10. Is a musical or drumlike sound produced when percussing an air-filled organ.
  5. 11. These breath sounds are out of the ordinary and occur when air passess through narrowed airways or those filled with fluid or mucous.
  1. 1. Assess size, color, shape, position & symmetry of respiratory system via this technique.
  2. 2. Assessing sounds such as pitch, loudness, quality and duration is done via this method.
  3. 3. Ability to breathe when only in an upright position
  4. 4. Assess location, shape, size & density of tissue of the respiratory system via this technique.
  5. 5. Assess temperature, turgor, texture, moisture, vibration & shape of respiratory system via this technique.
  6. 9. Bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes related to reduced oxygen in the blood.