NTCI Winter Crossword 2023

  1. 3. Literacy test taken by all grade 10 students. Required for graduation from high school.
  2. 5. Mr. _____, staff advisor for Graffiti, English teacher, and History teacher at NTCI.
  3. 7. An annual, week-long event organized by Student Council to raise funds for a non-profit organization.
  4. 10. Complete the Tri-Sci: Biology, ______, Physics.
  5. 12. Mrs. _____, staff advisor for NTCI's Student Council.
  6. 14. NTCI's rival school.
  7. 16. Website where students can make their course selection choices for next year.
  8. 18. Ms. ______, music teacher and choir director at NTCI.
  1. 1. Room where school assemblies are held.
  2. 2. Sports team coached by Mr. Bourgase.
  3. 4. A week off school in the middle of March.
  4. 6. Hot Air's favourite word. Often used to describe the daily lunch in the cafeteria.
  5. 8. Culminating evaluation for almost all courses. NTCI had these for the first time in four years in 2023.
  6. 9. Instrument played by Mr. Hobson at Fall Fare 2022.
  7. 11. Lyrics to the NTCI School Song: "We shall ________, to bring thee fame & glory".
  8. 13. Food item you can purchase from student council around Valentine's day to send to someone.
  9. 15. NTCI's environmental awareness club.
  10. 17. First name of the Junior Vice President of Student Council, and star of "School Alone".