NTW Christmas Cross word puzzle

  1. 1. Santa comes down this
  2. 2. Polar bear ______
  3. 3. _____ Christmas
  4. 5. Famous Christmas ballet
  5. 6. When Christmas happens
  6. 8. Santa's helpers
  7. 10. Hung by the fire
  8. 12. Santa's postal code
  9. 13. What happens of 34th Street
  10. 16. Tree topper
  11. 18. Festive drink
  12. 21. People put these bright things on their house
  13. 22. Cindy Lou _____
  14. 25. Oh, come all ye _____
  15. 26. All I want for Christmas is____
  16. 27. Look at a present before you should
  17. 30. jolly old man in a red suit
  18. 31. I'm dreaming of a white _______
  19. 32. The ghost of Christmas _____
  20. 35. _______Bells
  1. 1. Songs sung as Christmas time
  2. 2. Sant's Car
  3. 3. _____ the Elf
  4. 4. Presents are usually ____ the tree
  5. 5. Number of Santa's reindeer
  6. 7. Most famous reindeer of all
  7. 9. The man that says Bah Humbug
  8. 11. Something people decorate
  9. 14. What Santa give naughty children
  10. 15. striped Christmas treat
  11. 17. A famous snowman
  12. 19. He store Christmas
  13. 20. Not a creature was stirring, not even a ______
  14. 23. Merry & ______
  15. 24. Direction of Santa's workshop
  16. 28. What happens under the mistletoe
  17. 29. There are 5 and the are gold
  18. 33. Santa Clause is coming to ______
  19. 34. Have a holly _____Christmas