Nuclear Physics

  1. 2. - Splitting of an atomic nucleus.
  2. 4. - Emission of energy as particles or waves.
  3. 6. - Type of radiation involving high-speed electrons.
  4. 7. - Nearly massless subatomic particle.
  5. 8. - Material capable of undergoing fission.
  6. 9. - Type of radiation consisting of helium nuclei.
  7. 14. - The minimum amount of fissile material.
  8. 15. - Atoms with the same number of protons but different neutrons.
  9. 18. - Isotope used for dating artifacts.
  10. 19. - Neutrally charged subatomic particle.
  11. 20. - Interaction between atomic nuclei.
  12. 22. - Particles passing through energy barriers.
  13. 24. - Emitting radiation due to unstable nuclei.
  14. 25. - Time for half of a substance to decay.
  15. 26. - Radiation with sufficient energy to remove electrons.
  16. 27. - Process of nuclear fusion in stars.
  17. 29. - Process in which nuclei fragment.
  1. 1. - Substances capable of sustaining a chain reaction.
  2. 3. - A self-sustaining nuclear process.
  3. 5. - Central core of an atom.
  4. 7. - Attractive force between nucleons.
  5. 10. - Energy holding atomic nuclei together.
  6. 11. - Process of a nucleus transforming over time.
  7. 12. - Combining of atomic nuclei.
  8. 13. - Resulting nuclei from nuclear fission.
  9. 16. - Type of radioactive decay.
  10. 17. - Positively charged subatomic particle.
  11. 21. - Counterpart to the neutrino.
  12. 23. - Creates more fissile material than it consumes.
  13. 28. - High-energy electromagnetic radiation.