Number 8: Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. Tectonics The theory that the continents were all connected into one super-continent that broke apart over time to give us the continents that we all know today.
  2. 5. When the edge of one tectonic plate goes under the edge of another tectonic plate due to density.
  3. 7. The upper part of the mantle that is just below the lithosphere.
  4. 10. When an organism is dried out from removal of water or moisture.
  5. 11. A large mass on the earth that makes the lithosphere move downwards and makes the asthenosphere compress.
  6. 14. Boundary Where two tectonic plates converge.
  7. 15. drift The movement of continents and tectonic plates over the asthenosphere.
  1. 2. Boundary Where two tectonic plates slide against each other.
  2. 3. The organisms that live in the substrate or sediments of a body of water.
  3. 4. Boundary Where two tectonic plates diverge.
  4. 6. A ridge that’s very long and narrow.
  5. 8. Zonation is different areas or zones in a marine environment.
  6. 9. The layer of the earth that contains the crust and the upper mantle.
  7. 12. Shelf The part of the ocean that gets very shallow near the shoreline.
  8. 13. Vent Vents in the seafloor on top of divergent boundaries were hot magma gets released creating black smoke.