  1. 2. Numbers 0,1,2,3,...
  2. 4. The numbers with more than 2 factors.
  3. 6. 9 is a ... of multiple.
  4. 8. The number after a given number.
  5. 9. The numeral for 10 in this language is X.
  6. 10. Numbers one after the other are called...?
  7. 12. 4+(5+7) = (4+5)+7. This is called...?
  8. 14. The numbers 3,5,7,9,...
  9. 15. form This form of 234 is 200+30+4 is called?
  10. 17. Two numbers with only 1 as common factor
  11. 20. 3 is a ... of 12.
  1. 1. Number of lakhs in 3000000
  2. 3. When we change number 239 to 240, it is called?
  3. 5. The number before a given number.
  4. 7. 2+3=3+2. This is called...?
  5. 11. The numbers 2,4,6,8...
  6. 13. 0 is the ... for addition.
  7. 16. Numbers 1,2,3,...
  8. 18. Value The value of 2 in 123 is 20. This is called?
  9. 19. The numbers with 2 factors only.