Number Types
- 1. the greatest shared number both can be divided by
- 3. shared
- 5. multiply to equal 1
- 10. the number set of counting numbers(1, 2, ...)
- 13. numbers not divisible by 2
- 15. the number set of positive and negative counting numbers
- 16. the number set of decimals that go on forever without repeating
- 17. 15, 20, and 25 are _ of 5
- 18. numbers that have factors of 1 and itself
- 19. numbers divisible by 2
- 2. a number x is divisible by a number y. y is a _ of x
- 4. numbers less than 0
- 6. numbers with more than 2 factors
- 7. numbers that equal an integer times itself
- 8. the number set that can be written as a fraction with two integers
- 9. numbers that equal an integer times itself, times itself
- 11. numbers greater than 0
- 12. the number set that includes rational and irrational numbers
- 14. the smallest shared multiple