
  1. 2. It is the sixth whole number, represented by the symbol "6".
  2. 4. It is the tenth whole number, represented by the symbol "10".
  3. 6. It is a number that comes after twelve and before fourteen, represented by the symbol "13".
  4. 8. It is the ninth whole number, represented by the symbol "9".
  5. 9. It is the fourth whole number, represented by the symbol "4".
  6. 11. It is a number that comes after eleven and before thirteen, represented by the symbol "12".
  7. 13. It is the fifth whole number, represented by the symbol "5".
  8. 14. It is a number that comes after thirteen and before fifteen, represented by the symbol "14".
  1. 1. It is the eighth whole number, represented by the symbol "8".
  2. 3. It is the seventh whole number, represented by the symbol "7".
  3. 5. It is a number that comes after ten and before twelve, represented by the symbol "11".
  4. 6. It is the third whole number, represented by the symbol "3".
  5. 7. It is a number that comes after fourteen and before sixteen, represented by the symbol "15".
  6. 10. It is the first whole number, represented by the symbol "1".
  7. 12. It is the second whole number, represented by the symbol "2".