Numeral Symbols

  1. 2. The smallest counting number and has symbol of I
  2. 6. LX
  3. 8. The numbers that come after 8 and has Roman numeral of IX
  4. 10. Has a roman numeral of III
  5. 11. It is the product of 3*5
  6. 12. It is the number after 24
  7. 14. A number that has one 1 and two zeros
  1. 1. LXX
  2. 3. The number before 8
  3. 4. It is the sum of 10 and 8 and has a Roman numeral of XVIII
  4. 5. The Roman numeral of this number is X
  5. 7. The number following 11 and known as one dozen
  6. 9. LXXX
  7. 11. It has the Roman numeral symbol of the 12th letter in the alpabhet
  8. 13. A number before five and has Roman numeral of IV