NURS 176...Medications to Know!

  1. 2. Trade name for long acting insulin detemir
  2. 4. antiemetic decreased incident & severity of nausea and vomiting
  3. 9. thyroid supplementation in hypothyroidism
  4. 12. antidiabetic causes an increased level of active incretin hormone
  5. 14. oral diabetes medication decreases hepatic glucose production
  6. 15. antifungal fungistatic or fungicidal action
  7. 16. antiemetic prevention of emesis, treatment of postop gastric stasis
  8. 17. nonopiod analgesic, NSAID, antipyretic pain reliever
  9. 21. antithyroid medication used as an adjunct to control hyperthyroidism
  1. 1. anticoagulant; prophylaxis and treatment of venous thrombosis, PE, afib
  2. 3. antirheumatic to treat inflammatory disorders
  3. 5. diuretic; indicated for edema due to heart failure, hepatic impairment
  4. 6. used for sodium loss & hypotension associated with adrenocortical insufficiency
  5. 7. anti-Alzheimer's agent inhibits acetylcholinesterase
  6. 8. anti-infective bactericidal action against susceptible bacteria. Trade name Rochephin
  7. 10. inhibits resorption of bone inhibiting osteoclast activity
  8. 11. binds to opiate receptors in the CNS, altering perception of pain, patch form
  9. 13. therapeutic antigout agentinhibits production of uric acid
  10. 18. treatment and prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis
  11. 19. Trade name for rapid acting insulin aspart
  12. 20. laxative; prevention of constipation, increases water in stool