  1. 3. any change in the internal and external environment that induces a response in the adaptive system.
  2. 6. the malignant phase of disdainful “not caring” and apathetic indifference.
  3. 7. behaviors that attempts to control the environment.
  4. 8. affects the focal stimulus but the effects are unclear.
  5. 12. set towards the disorganization of the system
  6. 14. most immediately confronting the person; attracts the most attention.
  7. 15. his theory was Interpersonal Relations or Psychodynamic Nursing.
  8. 16. relation as human being to human being.
  9. 18. SYSTEM- Focus on nursing in Dorothy Johnson 2 Major Systems
  10. 21. being devoid of hope
  11. 23. promotes helping behavior that calls a nurturing response.
  12. 25. one of America’s foremost nursing theorists.
  13. 27. the means where one perceives realities.
  14. 28. her theory was “Human-to-Human Relationship”
  15. 29. constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific external and internal demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the resources.
  16. 31. “Conceptual System and Middle-Range Theory of Goal Attainment”
  17. 33. ROGERS- “Science of Unitary Human Beings”
  18. 34. when the nurse wants or lessen the cause of patient’s suffering.
  19. 35. in which the person and the nurse mutually identify the person’s problem.
  20. 37. describes the unpredictable but continuous, nonlinear evolution of energy field that as evidenced by nonrepeating rhythmicity’s.
  21. 38. which is using the experience of the learner as a basis from which learning products are developed.
  1. 1. the way a person responds as a physical being to stimuli from the environment.
  2. 2. an ontological concept described as a human being’s struggle between good and evil in a state of becoming.
  3. 4. which consists largely of giving information and is the form explained in educational literature.
  4. 5. a lonely experience that is difficult to communicate fully to another individual.
  5. 7. ability to establish relationships or trust.
  6. 9. ‘’Behavioral System Model”
  7. 10. refers to a particular group and the patterning of actions, thoughts and decisions that occurs as a result of learned beliefs.
  8. 11. a process where a person reaches the highest level of consciousness.
  9. 13. First Lady of Nursing
  10. 17. her aunt, who had congenital heart disease, led her to pursue a career in nursing
  11. 19. in which the person accepts new goals and frees herself or himself from the relationship.
  12. 20. process of organizing, interpreting, and transforming information from sense data and memory.
  13. 22. events that produce stress.
  14. 24. strengthens the effect of the focal stimulus.
  15. 26. adjustment state from the degree of reaction.
  16. 30. WATSON- “Philosophy and Theory of Transpersonal Caring”
  17. 32. HALL- care, core, cure model was her theory
  18. 36. “Theory of Caritative Care”
  19. 39. excretion of waste products.