Nursery Rhymes and Novels

  1. 3. Long haired princess
  2. 5. Jack and the _____
  3. 8. Long nosed fella!
  4. 9. He had a farm
  5. 10. Little Miss Scared by a spider
  6. 11. Lost her shoe!
  7. 12. Tiny little girl
  8. 13. Jack broke his!
  9. 15. Pockets are full!
  10. 17. ______________ and Gretel went into the forest
  11. 18. Incy Wincy
  1. 1. He is short and stout
  2. 2. Poor ugly baby!
  3. 4. Egg on the wall
  4. 6. The dish ran away with it
  5. 7. The poisoned fruit that Snow White ate
  6. 9. Go round the bush
  7. 12. Won the race!
  8. 14. There were 7 of them!
  9. 16. BAA BAA How many bags?