  1. 3. Dorothea Orem's theory of SELF- CARE nursing
  2. 7. Martha Roger's emphasis on the _ nature of humans
  3. 8. Orem focus on the individual's ability for SELF-CARE
  4. 10. Parse's theory emphasizes _ as integral to nursing
  5. 11. Dorothy Johnson's Behavioral _ model
  6. 12. Leininger's theory focuses on _ in nursing
  7. 14. Hall, Abdullah, and Henderson's emphasis on the _ dimension of nursing
  8. 16. Martha Roger's Science of Unitary _
  9. 18. Katie Eriksson's theory focuses on _ in nursing
  10. 19. individuals
  11. 20. Sister Callista Roy's_
  1. 1. Newman's Health as _ process
  2. 2. Dorothea Orem's _ model of self-care
  3. 4. King, Newman, Roy, and Johnson share their first names as
  4. 5. theory focuses on the energy fields that
  5. 6. Hildegard Peplau's interpersonal _ theory
  6. 9. Erickson theory
  7. 13. Lydia Hall's Care, Core, and Cure
  8. 14. Betty Neuman's Systems _ model
  9. 15. Imogene King's _ system framework
  10. 17. Four nursing theorists - King, Newman, Roy, and Johnson share their last names as _