Nursing Terms

  1. 3. The main organ of the integumentary system of the body
  2. 6. The piece of equipment used to take a blood pressure manually
  3. 11. If a patient is perspiring (sweating), they are said to be ____
  4. 12. The kidneys produce this body fluid
  5. 13. The largest blood vessel in the human body
  6. 14. Name of the structure in the lungs where gas exchange occurs
  1. 1. The lobe of the brain responsible for processing visual information
  2. 2. A ‘collapsed lung’ is more commonly known as a _____ in medical terminology
  3. 4. The number of pairs of cranial nerves
  4. 5. Longest section of the small intestine
  5. 7. Medical term meaning ‘slow respiratory rate’
  6. 8. Medical term meaning 'high heart rate'
  7. 9. The internationally recognised way to assess a patient’s level of consciousness is the ____ ____ scale
  8. 10. There are three kinds of theatre nurses- scrub nurse, anaesthetic nurse and ___ nurse