Nursing Theorists

  1. 3. Created a series of stages in order to help new nurses monitor progress through experience and developing knowledge.
  2. 4. Theory focuses on the quality of life of the patient.
  3. 9. She played a huge role in nursing education. She created the grading policy for nursing students which made students prove their abilities in order to be certified.
  4. 11. 3 concept theory starting with all C’s, encourages patient to take responsibility for their illness.
  5. 12. This theorist created a patient centered approach that utilizes a list of twenty-one steps and skills.This theory is most applicable to the education of nurses.
  6. 13. He created a method that believed every relationship in a hospital setting required a helper and a helpee.
  7. 14. Developed the Health promotion model which is composed of 5 key concepts: person, environment, nursing, health, and illness that all focus on positive motivation.
  8. 15. She is commonly referred to as “the lady with the lamp” and focused on the patients environment to helping them become better.
  9. 16. Created a theory stating that the goal of nursing care is to promote adaptations in the patient.
  10. 17. Mostly dealt with psychiatric patients, and teaching, died at young age of 47.
  11. 18. She created a theory that emphasized patient independence. In this theory nurses have three roles, substitutive, supplementary, and complimentary.
  12. 19. Created a theory that was based on an open-system-based perspective that helps respond to stressors in the environment.
  13. 20. Created a model that practices identification of patients need through observation.
  1. 1. Identified seven nursing roles in order for health care workers develop more therapeutic interventions.
  2. 2. Theory about assessing a patients comfort needs in three forms: relief, ease, and transcendence.
  3. 5. Created a model focusing on behavior of a patient in order to prevent illnesses.
  4. 6. Her theory focuses on nurse and patient setting goals and working together to attain those goals.
  5. 7. A male, New York native, that created a theory based on alternative medicine treatments.
  6. 8. Her theory has four major concepts: human being, health, environment/society, and nursing.
  7. 10. Travelled to many different cultures, was a nurse and anthropologist.