
  1. 1. needed in small amounts to help control many body functions
  2. 3. a very serious eating disorder
  3. 4. the study of how our bodies use food to maintain health
  4. 5. how you feel about yourself
  5. 6. too little water in your body
  6. 10. a healthier way to cook meat
  7. 12. one of the six essential nutrients that provides energy to be active
  8. 14. a food guidance system to help you choose what and how much to eat
  9. 15. the process of turning nutrients into usuable energy
  10. 16. the number of food groups in myplate
  11. 17. a mineral essential to good bone health
  1. 2. provides information about serving size, calories, and quantity of nutrients
  2. 7. fats that are liquid at room temperature
  3. 8. an example of an empty calorie food often consumed by teens
  4. 9. meat, beans, eggs, and nuts are all considered part of this group
  5. 11. have of the grains we eat should be...
  6. 12. the energy value of food
  7. 13. the most important meal of the day
  8. 16. provides 9 calories per gram; needed by body in small amounts