
  1. 4. _________, starch, and fiber are the three types of carbohydrates.
  2. 7. A condition in which the body takes in too much of some nutrients or too many calories.
  3. 8. Substances added to food products to extend shelf life, improve flavor, and provide other desired changes.
  4. 10. Food ______________ is a condition in which a person cannot properly digest a certain type of food.
  5. 12. The recommended amounts of nutrients that a person should consume each day.
  6. 16. The C in DECIDE stands for ______________ the consequences.
  7. 17. _________________ foods are relatively low calorie food that provides vitamins, minerals, and other healthful substances.
  8. 20. Chemical substances that give your body what it needs to grow and function properly.
  9. 21. A nutrient and major source of energy for the body.
  10. 23. Food ____________ is an immune response in which the body reacts to a certain type of food as though the food were a harmful substance.
  11. 25. A condition in which bones are fragile and may break easily.
  12. 27. Water is important in maintaining normal body ______________.
  13. 29. A type of carbohydrate that is the preferred source of energy for the brain and central nervous system.
  14. 30. Inorganic elements found in soil and water; ingested by the body after being absorbed into plants.
  15. 32. A complex carbohydrate that the body is unable to digest.
  16. 33. A type of fat found primarily in animal-based foods that is solid at room temperature.
  1. 1. Acronym for food additives that have been studied and are considered harmless by the government.
  2. 2. ______________ illnesses are illnesses that are transmitted by foods. Also called food poisoning.
  3. 3. A stored version of glucose located in the muscles and liver.
  4. 5. One of the factors that can influence a person’s calorie needs.
  5. 6. A type of food that is produced without pesticides, bioengineering, or high energy radiation.
  6. 8. A government agency that regulates medications, biological products, medical devices, food supply, cosmetics, and radiation emitting products.
  7. 9. The rate at which the body uses energy.
  8. 11. ________________ foods provide calories, but supply few (if any) nutrients to a person's diet.
  9. 13. A type of fat that is liquid at room temperature and is found in plant based foods.
  10. 14. Illustrates the recommended proportions of the different food groups that people should eat each day.
  11. 15. A type of nutrient composed of fatty acids, that is a valuable source of energy, especially for muscles.
  12. 18. Foodborne ________________ are illnesses caused by a bacterium, virus, or parasite that has contaminated a food.
  13. 19. A unit of measurement for energy provided by food.
  14. 22. A nutrient the body uses to build and maintain all types of cells and tissues.
  15. 24. Ingredients in food on the nutrition label are listed by ______________.
  16. 26. A protein found in wheat, rye, oats, and barley.
  17. 28. Organic substances derived from plants or animals, which are necessary for normal growth and development.
  18. 31. A condition causing weakness, tiredness, and headaches which occurs when people do not take in enough iron.