
  1. 2. helps in growth
  2. 5. food or provisions
  3. 8. nutrient that gives instant energy
  4. 10. the food necessary for growth, health, and good condition
  5. 11. mineral which controls the functioning of thyroid
  6. 14. organic compounds that people need in small quantities
  7. 16. a substance needed by the body for growth
  8. 18. in a good physical or mental condition
  9. 20. contains no proteins but necessary in the food we consume
  1. 1. ___ helps to maintain a constant body
  2. 3. efficient as food
  3. 4. food and drink regarded as a source of strength
  4. 6. a mineral needed for bones and teeth
  5. 7. chemicals which make up protein molecules
  6. 9. scientific name of vitamin good for eyesight
  7. 12. the sum of food consumed by a person or other organism
  8. 13. mineral required for healthy skin and nerves
  9. 15. disease caused by deficiency of iron
  10. 17. deficiency of vitamin c causes
  11. 19. a substance needed by the body for growth