Nutrition Assignment

  1. 3. Comes under two classifications
  2. 6. A source of energy found in pastas, grains ect
  3. 9. A healthy form of energy containing natural sugars
  4. 10. Something children commonly deny to eat
  5. 11. A substance that is made up of nutrients
  6. 13. A,B,C but not X,Y,Z
  7. 15. A simple sugar
  1. 1. Forms your bones and teeth
  2. 2. 'Everything in _______'
  3. 4. Essential for production of hormones and enzymes but also muscle development
  4. 5. Your body requires about 1.6 Litres a day
  5. 7. A substance deposited in bodily tissues
  6. 8. Found at the top of the food pyramid
  7. 11. An oily substance occurring in animal's bodies
  8. 12. Containing or is made from milk
  9. 14. The reason for tooth decay