Nutrition Crossword

  1. 3. a hidden negative impact of organic food is fear of eating ______ grown food
  2. 7. allowing someone to decide how much to eat helps create a healthy ______ with food
  3. 11. when a snack contains a cookie, adding greek yogurt and a fruit makes it a ______ snack
  4. 13. red cabbage and blueberries are both full of _____
  5. 15. culture intuitive eating is a way for people to unlearn _______ and rebuild trust in their bodies
  6. 17. a necessary nutrient for bodily function, bananas, spinach, and potatoes are _____ dense foods
  7. 18. corn contains _______ which is associated with heart disease improvement and prevention
  8. 19. babies, children, and adults come in all ____ sizes
  1. 1. a food _______ is a place without access to affordable, fresh food
  2. 2. the "clean plate club" creates a _____ relationship with food
  3. 4. foods high in Vitamin A are often ____ in color
  4. 5. a balanced meal contains fat and _____
  5. 6. _______ can be reduced with a greater intake of soluable fiber
  6. 8. elimination diets have risks including malnutrition, fear of foods, and long term ____ with bad foods
  7. 9. ________ is a primary method to make your food taste better
  8. 10. ______ is multi-dimensional and includes physical, mental, and cultural aspects
  9. 12. foods like _______ and maple syrup can be used in place of granualted sugar in many foods
  10. 14. radicals antioxidants protect cells against _____
  11. 15. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, "mentioning diet or weight around children can predispose them to eating______."
  12. 16. restricting foods can lead to ______ eating