Nutrition Facts!

  1. 2. Brown Rice falls in the _______ category of the My Plate.
  2. 4. How many categories of food are in the My Plate?
  3. 7. What is the most vital nutrient for the body
  4. 10. What food should take up the most room on your plate? Fruits & ______
  5. 12. Which type of fat is GOOD for the heart?
  6. 14. Where most of our energy comes from
  7. 15. We get this from cows
  8. 17. A seafood that is high in protein
  9. 18. Tofu falls in the _______ category of the My Plate.
  1. 1. On a nutrient label, the _______ _______ indicates how much you will eat to get the listed nutrients.
  2. 3. A substance usually used as a sweetener in food
  3. 5. A ______ carbohydrate provides a prolonged release of energy.
  4. 6. Which nutrient aids in building BONE MASS?
  5. 8. How many glasses of water should a person drink daily?
  6. 9. A red fruit that is not a good source of carbs
  7. 11. The process of taking in food and using it for energy, growth and good health.
  8. 13. A food that comes in a shell and is high in protein
  9. 14. ____ is a stimulant drug that many consume too much of!
  10. 16. ______ soluble vitamins are dissolved in fat.