nutrition in plants

  1. 2. insectivorous plant
  2. 5. these are heterotrophs
  3. 8. the type of nutrition in which animals and non-green plants depend on green plants
  4. 9. the type of nutrition in which green plants prepare their own food
  5. 10. plants that grow on dead and decaying matter
  6. 11. ultimate source of energy
  7. 13. tiny pores on the underside of a leaf
  8. 15. the cells which guard a stoma
  1. 1. a byproduct of photosynthesis
  2. 2. plants that grow in a mutually beneficial relationship between plants
  3. 3. cells of green leaves contain this
  4. 4. this is a green pigment
  5. 6. the process in which green plants prepare their own food
  6. 7. this bacteria can convert nitrogen into water soluble compounds
  7. 12. one of the of replenishing the soil
  8. 14. parasitic plant