Nutrition in Plants

  1. 4. process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the body.
  2. 6. plants which trap insects by ingenious methods.
  3. 7. organism that can make their food from simple non-living substances.
  4. 10. the mode of nutrition where two different organisms work together for mutual benefit.
  5. 11. pores located on under side of the leaves from which leaves take in carbon di oxide from the air.
  1. 1. organisms that directly or indirectly depend on green plants for nutrition.
  2. 2. organisms that live on dead plants and animals and derive their food from them.
  3. 3. green pigment present in plants.
  4. 5. organism that live in or on other living organisms and derive their food from them.
  5. 8. bacteria that can convert atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into a soluble form that plants can absorb.
  6. 9. example of saprotrophs.