Nutrition/ Physical Activity

  1. 3. yoga and stretching will improve this element of physical fitness
  2. 4. ability to handle physical activity without become tired or fatigued
  3. 7. provide long term energy
  4. 8. this type of exercise requires oxygen and works the heart
  5. 9. building block of a protein
  6. 10. type of carbohydrate that can't be digested
  7. 11. mineral found in foods that is needed to sustain muscle contractions
  8. 13. happens when your diet does not contain the right amount of nutrients
  9. 15. main source of energy for the body
  10. 20. physical activity that is planned, and structured to improve or maintain fitness
  11. 21. these help to filter the blood of toxins and transform the waste into urine
  12. 22. helps to strengthen our bones
  13. 23. mineral that helps maintain normal levels of fluid inside our cells
  14. 24. this food is a great source of protein
  15. 25. this essential nutrient helps carry nutrients throughout the body
  1. 1. nutrient which promotes growth of body tissues
  2. 2. nutrients which help build body structures
  3. 5. the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth
  4. 6. excellent source of vitamins and minerals, high in fiber
  5. 12. diet characterized especially by a high consumption of vegetables and olive oil and moderate consumption of protein
  6. 13. food category towards the top of the food guide pyramid
  7. 14. this can result from poor nutrition or overeating
  8. 16. this food is a great source of fiber
  9. 17. good fats
  10. 18. these foods can help reduce the risk of some chronic diseases
  11. 19. these are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities
  12. 20. this type of amino acid, our bodies do not produce