Nutrition Review

  1. 2. a waxy fatlike substance found only in animal products.
  2. 3. type of carbohydrate that provides quick energy
  3. 5. refined grains should be this type (meaning B vitamins have been added back in)
  4. 7. the number of amino acids not manufactured by the body
  5. 9. types of sugars that should be limited
  6. 11. this type of fruit is recommended over fruit juice
  7. 12. a measurement of energy from food
  8. 15. fats that are usually solid at room temperature and can contribute to heart disease
  9. 16. it is suggested that you ____ your vegetables
  1. 1. you should make half of your grains this type
  2. 4. a grain in which the bran and germ have been removed
  3. 6. the type of meat that is most recommended
  4. 8. the process of breaking down food into energy
  5. 10. eggs belong in this food group
  6. 12. type of carb that is stored and provides energy over a longer period of time
  7. 13. type of fats that are liquid at room temp; found in vegetable oils, nuts and seeds
  8. 14. how much of your plate should be made up of fruits and vegetables?