Keeping Mama and Baby Healthy: Nutrition

  1. 5. The last step in making your own baby food - baby won't like it hot!
  2. 7. How to measure pureed baby food
  3. 10. An attitude to have to encourage your baby to eat healthy
  4. 12. Limit your intake of this during pregnancy
  5. 13. Minimum # cups of vegetables for your pregnancy diet
  6. 14. What NOT to give your baby for at least a year (mom-to-mom recommendation)
  7. 16. Consistency needed for baby food 4/6-10 months
  8. 17. A must in your vitamin, prevents spina bifida
  9. 18. These types of fruits, like oranges, are where you can find a source of folic acid
  10. 19. Living white blood cells that fight infection which are NOT found in formula, only breastmilk
  11. 20. The most important drink for a breastfeeding or pregnant mother
  12. 21. The word that you should see on your bread in order to consider it healthy
  13. 22. The most important food for baby
  1. 1. The earliest to start baby on solids, but 6 is best
  2. 2. Raises energy level
  3. 3. Something to completely eliminate from your diet
  4. 4. An excellent first food, high nutritional content and easy to mash
  5. 6. What to do if baby seems "off" or might be having an allergic reaction
  6. 8. The type of vitamin you need during and after pregnancy
  7. 9. A sign of possible food allergy
  8. 11. These types of foods will help ease constipation for you or baby - see FAQ's
  9. 12. Yogurt, milk, and dark green vegetables can provide this nutrient
  10. 15. The baby food which can never be duplicated
  11. 17. You need at least 2 cups of this food group a day while pregnant