
  1. 2. / the natural physical drive to eat, prompted by the body's need for food
  2. 4. / extreme, harmful eating disorders that can cause serious illness or even death
  3. 5. / very large amounts
  4. 12. cycling / a repeated pattern of losing and regaining body weight
  5. 13. / condition in which the bones become fragile and break easily
  6. 14. / products that supply one or more nutrients as a supplement to, not a substitute, for healthful foods
  7. 17. / high ratio of nutrient to calories
  8. 18. nervosa / an eating disorder that involves cycles of overheating and purging, or attempts to rid the body of foodbinge eatingdisorder / eating disorder in which people overeat compulsively
  9. 20. / substances that boost athletic ability
  10. 21. / person wo eats mostly or only plant-based foods
  11. 22. / a tough complex carbohydrate that the body cannot digest
  12. 23. / weight-loss plans that tend to be popular for only a short time
  13. 25. / negative reaction to food that doesn't involve the immune system
  14. 26. / the process by which your body takes in and uses food
  1. 1. / starches and sugars found in foods which is the body's main source of energy
  2. 3. / dietary supplements containing plant extracts
  3. 6. / nutrients the body uses to build and maintain its cells and tissues
  4. 7. / compounds found in food that help regulate many body processes
  5. 8. / substances in food that your body needs to grow, repair and supply you with substances
  6. 9. / a set of recommendations about smart eating and physical activity
  7. 10. / an interactive guide to healthful eating and active living
  8. 11. / the spreading of pathogens from one food to another
  9. 15. / treating substances with heat to kill or slow the growth of pathogens
  10. 16. / elements found in food that are used by the body
  11. 19. / the psychological desire for food
  12. 24. / unit of heat to measure the energy your body uses and the energy it receives from food