Nutritional and food-related health conditions

  1. 5. type of diabetes that can occur during pregnancy
  2. 7. blood pressure of 120/80
  3. 8. low-GI food
  4. 10. pressure of the blood against artery walls
  5. 11. process in which the body changes food into energy
  6. 12. swelling under the skin
  7. 13. fibre-rich food, prevents large fluctuations in blood-glucose levels
  8. 16. blood glucose levels fall abnormally low.
  9. 18. a cooking method to control the intake of saturated fat
  10. 21. fat that is linked with constant high blood glucose
  1. 1. soft, waxy, fatty substance found naturally in blood
  2. 2. a severe symptom of hypertension
  3. 3. a food source that can be given to someone who experiencing symptoms of hypoglaecemia
  4. 4. a controllable risk factor CHD
  5. 6. Vitamin C helps with the absorption of this mineral
  6. 9. condition if hyperglycaemia is not treated.
  7. 14. a diabetic must not ______ meals
  8. 15. the maximum amount of grams one should have daily of salt.
  9. 17. a system that ranks foods containing carbohydrates
  10. 19. a food source of mono-unsaturated fat.
  11. 20. A consequence of diabetes