Nutritional Guidelines for Americans

  1. 1. a mistaken belief about food
  2. 3. you do moderate or heavy physical activity for at least 60 min. each day
  3. 7. Nutrition Labeling and Education Act requires all packaged foods to have the ___________________
  4. 8. oils have no _________
  5. 9. all foods made from meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, etc.
  6. 10. occurs when people gain something of value, often money, by deceiving others
  7. 12. any vegetable or 100% vegetable juice
  8. 14. high in saturated fat or hydrogenated
  9. 15. a nutrient substance taken to supplement or add to nutrients in the food you eat
  10. 17. this has increased over the years
  11. 18. any food made from wheat, rice, cornmeal, barley, etc.
  12. 19. grains reduce the risk of __________
  13. 20. U.S. Department of Agriculture
  14. 22. its purpose is to sell food
  15. 23. the needed amount of a nutrient based on current nutrition recommendations
  16. 24. a group of grains
  17. 26. some herbals may be ______
  18. 27. aim for ________
  1. 1. any fruit or 100% fruit juice
  2. 2. you do moderate or heavy physical activity for 30-60 min. each day
  3. 4. plants used for medicinal purposes
  4. 5. the relationship between nutrients and calories in a food
  5. 6. all foods made from liquid milk products
  6. 7. what occured in 1990
  7. 11. you do less than 30 min. of moderate to heavy physical activity each day.
  8. 12. choose _______
  9. 13. most people do not need supplements if they have a _______________
  10. 16. Nutrition Facts Panel is shown in a _________ format
  11. 21. eat in _________
  12. 25. fats that are liquid at room temperature