OA Profile

  1. 3. -risk
  2. 6. wears TED stockings for this chronic disease
  3. 7. number of children he has
  4. 8. history of low .
  5. 10. member of this local charity group
  6. 12. uses this defense mechanism most often
  7. 13. nurse made him "pinky-promise" not to eat this after heart attack
  8. 14. was in this branch of military for over 2 decades
  1. 1. 134/80
  2. 2. disease Dr. says he "should" have but doesn't
  3. 4. State of birth
  4. 5. wife's name
  5. 9. suffers this syndrome while sleeping at night
  6. 11. his most under-reported symptom; rhymes with bane
  7. 15. where he had his first heart attack