OAM Winter Crossword

  1. 2. A machine used to resurface ice.
  2. 5. A plant that is often associated with Christmas decorations.
  3. 7. A strong snowstorm with low visibility and high winds.
  4. 8. A bird native to the southern hemisphere that cannot fly.
  5. 9. The last month of the year.
  6. 14. Our fearless OAM Operations Manager
  7. 15. The shortest or longest day of the year.
  8. 17. The first month of the year.
  9. 18. An object that is placed on a Christmas Tree.
  10. 21. A slowly moving mass formed by the accumulation of ice and snow on mountains or near the poles.
  11. 22. A mass of snow and ice moving rapidly down the mountainside.
  1. 1. The animal that pulls Santa's sleigh.
  2. 3. Garment to keep hands warm during cold months.
  3. 4. A place for a domestic fire.
  4. 6. A long narrow sled used for downhill sports.
  5. 10. A warm chocolate drink.
  6. 11. A game played on ice with brooms and flat stones.
  7. 12. To spend the winter in a dormant state.
  8. 13. A type of dome-shaped shelter built from blocks of solid snow.
  9. 16. A drink made from a mixture of beaten eggs, cream, and flavorings
  10. 19. The feeling that OAM leadership has towards our team.
  11. 20. Time away from school or work, sometimes involving travel.