OB Semester 2- Fetal Spine Pathology

  1. 5. Germ cell tumor arising from the pre sacral spine
  2. 7. Protrusion of meninges only
  3. 8. abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
  4. 10. spinal defect due to failure of nueral tube closure
  5. 13. Caudal regression syndrome is associated with this diease process
  1. 1. Protrusion of meninges and nueral elements
  2. 2. also known as mermaid syndrome
  3. 3. abnormal anterior angulation of the spine
  4. 4. This is the shape of the cerebellum with Spina Bifida
  5. 6. this is also known as myeloschisis
  6. 9. this lab will usually be elevated with Spina Bifida
  7. 11. Sirenomelia occurs due to lower limb insufficiency of _____
  8. 12. Shape of fetal head with Spina Bifida