
  1. 7. you sharpen pencils with it
  2. 8. you write with it
  3. 9. write on it
  4. 11. A colorful writing utensil
  5. 15. you erase pencil with it
  6. 16. you put pencils in it
  7. 17. you sit on it
  1. 1. a bag that goes on your back
  2. 2. you measure things with it
  3. 3. a table at school
  4. 4. A writing utensil that can't be erased
  5. 5. you can look through it
  6. 6. can put things on it
  7. 8. a bag you bring to school
  8. 10. you put papers and notebooks in it
  9. 12. teachers give it to you to do at home
  10. 13. you can look at this when you are lost
  11. 14. write notes in it